Brian Michael Bendis and Andr Lima Ara jo bring you Phenomena, a brand-new fantasy adventure series starting with The Golden City of Eyes. Phenomena is the story of a young boy named Bolden and his warrior friend Spike-survivors of a phenomena that took over Earth years ago. Not an apocalypse... something far more interesting. Bolden and Spike re forced to team up with another lost orphan of the world, Matilde. The trio of heroes go on a globetrotting adventure that takes them to a magical, mysterious place called the Golden City of Eyes. As they quest across this epically crazy new world looking for answers and purpose, they face off against dark forces big and small, changing the world better along the way. Each journey is personal, and every chapter takes the trio toward a different, visually iconic destination, and each location, character, and chapter reveals clues to the shape of the world and how they got there-and, ultimately, their purpose.