Critter Commandos Compendium (1992)
Team Frog Studios
SKU: CritterCommandoCompendium
Journey again into the world of slapstick combat! More races! More Vehicles! Lots of Nifty Stuff!
- The Long Awaited Role Playing Rules!
- More Races!
- More Weapons!
- A Conversion To Use Other Popular Miniatures!
-The Expanded Vehicle Rules!
What more could you want?
Be the first kid on your block! Buy me today!
User summary
Critter Commandos started as boardgame miniature rules (Critter Commandos) published by Crunchy Frog Enterprises/ Team Frog in 1989. It was a slapstick sci-fi game with "funny animals". Three years later, they released the Critter Commandos Compendium which included role-playing rules for the game, but also more races, weapons, a WH 40k conversion, and expanded vehicles rules.