Perps and their criminal activities are the greatest threat to the stability of Mega-City One. From the lowly dunk working his way through a crowd to lift stray wallets and cred-slugs to the mighty criminal empires that are seemingly untouchable to judges of the city, perps constantly prey upon decent citizens for fun and profit. The most successful perps eschew open violence and the dangers of street gangs to set up their own criminal organisations, sophisticated operations safely hidden behind legitimate business. Whether it is the manufacture of drugs, protection rackets or a bureau of assassins, few perps running such operations really consider themselves as criminals - they will avoid judicial attention at every step but usually view themselves as businessmen, pure and simple and, in many ways, this is exactly how the larger criminal organisations run. Even if the incoming credits are garnered from murder and theft, they still need accountants to watch for the best investments and avoid Mega-City taxes, lawyers to keep the bosses out of the iso-cubes, and a close eye needs to be kept on profitability and cost projections. The only real difference is the manner in which business is conducted - a hostile take-over of another criminal organisation is likely to involve spit guns and sharp knives, rather than a financial assault on another company's assets.
Inside You Will Find:
Perps in Mega-City One: A detailed look at the nature of criminal activities within Mega-City One, as well as some of the greatest organisations to have challenged the Justice Department.
Criminal Organisations: Full rules on creating your very own criminal empire to earn a fortune in credits!
Businessmen: There are many different specialists to be found within a criminal organisation - learn the trades of the Umpty Bagger, Jimp, Creative Accountant and Sleazy Lawyer and many others.
New Tricks for Old Perps: Perps, more than any other character in the game, benefit from an incredible range of skills. Here we take a look at new ways to use the skill list.
Reputation: A perp's reputation often precedes him, and a powerful criminal mastermind will have few enemies willing to challenge him openly.
Scenario Hooks and Ideas: Games Masters can insert criminal organisations into their campaign quickly and easily with the ideas presented in this chapter.