The paladin is the quintessential hero, the knight in shining armour, the holy warrior. He is the sword against evil; he is the bright line of fire against the darkness. But those who rise the highest have the furthest to fall. The Quintessential Paladin II: Advanced Tactics offers a range of new concepts, skills and equipment to enrich the background and abilities of any holy champion.
With the help of this sourcebook, any character choosing to play a paladin will find many alternatives and options for expanding his range of abilities. With Career Paths, a paladin can customise his advancement and gain special benefits from his chosen branch of training. The Legendary Paladin offers a subset and expansion of his combat prowess that may take him to epic levels and beyond. Multiclassing offers a paladin a complement to his abilities, while Superior Tools can enhance his performance. The Divine Paladin offers a range of new magical items and abilities. Tricks of the Trade gives new techniques for using a paladin's divine powers and details his code of honour. Finally, Special Techniques and Survival Tactics detail the techniques, advantages and disadvantages to portraying a paladin in your game.
Inside You Will Find:
Career Paths
Multiclassing Variants
Prestige Classes
The Paladi's Code
New Feats
New Magic Items
Tricks of the Trade
New Weapons and Armour