The average citizen of Mega-City One regards the subterranean Undercity as an urban myth. Every juve who attends the MegaSchools knows that Mega-City One was built on top of the east coast of the former United States of America, engulfing old cities with strange and exotic names such as 'Washington DC' or 'NewYork City'. Eld-shelter residents may retain vague memories of these semi-mythical places. Only a few citizens know that the landscapes of pre-war America continue to stand in the cold darkness beneath City Bottom, a subterranean mausoleum preserving these archaic structures for all time.
In the constant darkness of the buried cities a new civilisation has developed. Almost completely cut off from human progress and sunlight, mankind has been forced to rapidly adapt to life in the shadows. A mutant-strain has developed, producing squat, twisted creatures capable of seeing in absolute darkness - troggies. Vicious criminals fleeing from the judges locate cracks in City Bottom and make a bid for freedom down below. Cursed Earth mutants avoid their harsh environment by chipping at Mega-City One's foundations until they can enter the Undercity.
History: From the semi-mythical beginnings of the Undercity in New York, to the swallowing of Philadelphia and Washington DC, to the grim reality of today. Discover all the catastrophes and developments that have been inflicted upon the Undercity by the surface world – and also the terrible revenges they enacted in re turn...
Ecology: All the flora and fauna that can he found far helow Mega-City One's pavement, from essential glowmoss to the unstable currency piggy-gas.
Dwellers in the Darkness: Details of the various tribes that infest the broken night of the Undercity, plus the major landmarks and what has happened to them after centuries underground.
Prestige Classes: Prestige classes for the Undercity: Long Walk Judge, the Undercity Chieftain and the Junk Prospector are all included, as well as a new selection of Prior-Lives dedicated to the dingy underworld.
Undercity Weaponry: Trog cutters, methane Molotov cocktails, bootleg blasters, impalers, electric whips, scavers, guano homhs and more... plus rules for manufacturing your own ammunition and Undercity bartering.
Undercity Equipment: Everything a character needs to succeed (or at least survive) in the most inhospitable environment on Earth, from dredge cloaks to ABC Survival armour and torches to ultrascanners.
Vehicles and Robots: Methane is the future for the lightless caverns, with old 20th Century roads and new tunnels echoing to the rickety belches of piggy-gas powered motorcycles, wagons and even locomotives, made by the kings of salvage themselves, the Tribe of the Free Robot.
Creeps: The Undercity is where the most evil and demented of creatures live, from rampaging werewolves to killer hawgs. Also detailed are many different varieties of the
itinerant denizens of this nightbound realm- the troggies.
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