An action filled multi-character drama, this graphic novel tells about a time in the future when our two great countries, Canada and the United States, have amalgamated and there is a growing discontent. Family farms have been replaced by huge corporate farms that exploit the bulging prison populations for labor. Severe drought has led to food shortages and rationing in the cities. Young adults are being conscripted to fight in the Cent-Am wars while a groundswell of rebellion is building. The rebels want to return to a time when the policies of the government represented the best interests of the people, not the best interests of those who govern. To lead their movement, the rebels are planning the return of their leader, the exiled former prime minister of Canada, Samuel Stern. To combat this threat, a new organization has been created by the administration of USNA. It's a covert homeland security force: the Strategic Home Alliance Defense Organization (S.H.A.D.O.). Operating on the fringes of the law, their mission is simple: locate and eliminate any rebel activity using deadly force if necessary. This is the story of the people’s fight against tyranny in our own backyard.