The Galactic Civil War rages on, as the dreaded Imperial war machine continues its campaign to eradicate the Rebel menace, only to find itself on the defensive as the New Republic rises from the ashes of the Old.
As the struggle grows in intensity, it draws other factions into an ever-widening vortex of conflict-and gangsters, scavengers, bounty hunters and aliens all find their fortunes and destinies inextricably bound up in the clash of the two mighty forces.
This supplement to the award-winning Star Wars Miniatures Battles game provides a number of engaging scenarios set in a galaxy far, far away. Within these pages you will find exotic environments, familiar aliens and tactical challenges, all with suggestions for staging the scenarios and rules for any special conditions that may apply, as your troops battle their way across a forest canopy, a lava plain, the floor of an impenetrable jungle and other strange locales.
These are some Imperial entanglements you won't want to avoid.