Punisher In the Blood #3 (Of 5)
Marvel Comics
SKU: NOV100579
Written by RICK REMENDER Penciled by MICK BERTILORONZI Cover by Jean-Sebastian Rossbach The pieces of the Jigsaw Brother's plan are coming together like a psychotic puzzle. On the streets, Frank Castle is going mad, tortured by the revelation that the only person he ever loved is hunting him. He sets out to kill the men he believes responsible, all former assistants: Microchip, Stuart Clarke and Henry Russo. Fortuitously Jigsaw has gathered them all together in order to illustrate to Henry, his son, one terrifying and unarguable fact: Frank butchers everyone who gets close to him. Will Henry turn on Frank before he becomes the next casualty of The Punisher's endless war? 32 PGS./Parental Advisory