Written by GARTH ENNIS Penciled by GORAN PARLOV Cover by SHAWN MARTINBOROUGH What? You didn't actually think that a load of buckshot to the chest in shark-infested waters was gonna put him down for good, did you? The Punisher's wildest foe is back -- give or take a few boy parts -- this time he's embarking on a solo mission: playing bodyguard to the son of a dangerous mob boss. Should be a breeze for a guy who went toe-to-toe with Frank Castle and lived to tell about it, right? Guess again. Junior is a hemophiliac -- and every crime syndicate in the country can't wait to take a shot at him as payback to his dad. To survive, Barracuda will have to navigate hitmen, corrupt cops, black ops, a Central American strongman, and rescue a damsel in distress. No kidding. 32 PGS./Explicit Content