Valley Forge, Valley Forge The Slaughter of a U.S. Marine Garrison and the Birth of the Punisher: Part 6 of 6 - Written by GARTH ENNIS Penciled by GORAN PARLOV Cover by TIM BRADSTREET 'VALLEY FORGE, VALLEY FORGE,' CONCLUSION Garth Ennis concludes his epic run - in style! They threw up a wall of good men to shield themselves from the Punisher's wrath. Now these men of influence and privilege are going to pay. Frank Castle is about to bring his personal war to their doorstep in what might be the bloodiest chapter yet of the Punisher saga. Also featuring an 8-page preview of PUNISHER #61, 'Girls in White Dresses,' written by best-selling crime novelist Gregg Hurwitz (The Crime Writer) and illustrated by Laurence Campbell (PUNISHER ANNUAL: THE HUNTED). 40 PGS./Explicit Content