Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1996) #19
Image Comics
SKU: TMNT1996#19
The Turtles' old friend Leatherhead has just made the biggest mistake of his life! After spending years building a deep space communication device to contact his old friends the Utroma, he dialed a wrong number and attracted a war-party of Triceratons instead! As powerful as rhinos and as ferocious as sharks, the three-horned Saurians are among the fiercest and most aggressive warriors in the universe, and they especially hate mammalian civilizations! Now it's up to Mike, Don, Leo and Raphael to stop these deadly invaders before they can send for reinforcements! Written by Gary Carlson. Art by Frank Fosco and Mark Heike. Cover by Frank Fosco and Erik Larsen. B/W 24 pg.