Tanpopo Collection Hardcover Volume 02 OXI-18
Boom! Studios
SKU: FEB151206
A fresh wound of the heart is torn open by the unmasking of Kuro's deadly deception with Ni. His lessons in human emotion push Tanpopo to the limits of her resolve. Is this part of his plan as her otherworldly guide or has he underestimated Tanpopo's dogged independence? Camilla d'Errico's mythic and mystical take on literature is told through the unfolding narrative of Tanpopoa - mysterious girl guided by Kuro; the devil in disguise. Following from TANPOPO Volume 1 Hardcover, the second hardcover edition continues Tanpopo's journey into human emotion through the works of Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe and a foray into the 1001 Arabian Nights.