(W/A/CA) Christopher Moeller
On sale January 21, SC, 160pg, FC
The critically acclaimed science fiction epic brought to life by master painter and storyteller Christopher Moeller (JLA: A League of One, Lucifer) returns to comic shops and bookstores in January! Faith Conquers, the first in the series of Iron Empires collections from Dark Horse, kicks off the release of the highly anticipated Iron Empires role-playing game and will be followed by a second trade paperback, Sheva's War, in April, as well as an ongoing series of new Iron Empires adventures in the months to follow. Volume 1 collects the four part series originally titled Shadow Empires, published in 1994, and features the three-part story "The Passage," originally published in Dark Horse Presents, now in full color for the first time! Created, written, and painted by Christopher Moeller, the creator who blew Justice League fans away in 2000 with his fully painted A League of One.