1st printing. Collects Vampirella Monthly (1997-2000) #1-6 and stories from Vampirella 25th Anniversary Special (1996) and Vampirella Strikes (1995) #6. Written by Grant Morrison and Mark Millar. Art by Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Louis Small, Rob Stull, Michael Bair, and Kevin Nowlan. Collects Grant Morrison and Mark Millar's legendary Vampirella saga from Vampirella Monthly, plus two other hard-to-find stories in this special trade paperback! Considered one of the finest Vampi stories ever, Morrison and Millar with Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti take Vampirella in a whole new direction. State by state, organized crime is being replaced by a sinister vampire cult with a new priority - to destroy an armed and dangerous Vampirella who has vowed to annihilate them. The stakes have never been so great. Also included is Mark Millar's critically acclaimed debut "A Cold Day In Hell" from the extremely rare Vampirella Strikes #6, featuring artwork by Louis Small Jr., and Grant Morrison's "Blood Red Game" from the Vampirella 25th Anniversary Special featuring artwork by Michael Bair and finished by Kevin Nowlan. Softcover, 176 pages, full color.